Motherhood, a Sacred Ministry: Basking in the Joy of Motherhood
If you’re like me, the exhaustion that is often part of being a mom cannot be over emphasized because fatigue is your everyday reality to one degree or another. You know that financially, mentally, and physically, motherhood is hard, and yet you wonder how you can still get up and discharge your motherly duties when you are physically and mentally spent. The motherhood struggle is real.
However, every mother knows very well that there’s much more to this thing called motherhood than the hard parts. I call it Motherhood Joy. However, we are often so exhausted that we sometimes stop feeling it. This struggle is what started the searching that led to this book. In these pages, I address this dilemma, and ask these all-important questions:
- How can I make this joy my consistent reality?
- How can I bask and revel in my motherhood joy as I continue to embark on my motherhoodjourney?
Motherhood, a Sacred Ministry (Basking in the Joy of Motherhood) is an account of God’s unending, unwavering, and undying love for us. You will find your own journey in mine, as well as your own strength, joy, and faith. This will lead you to a greater awareness and appreciation of the soundness of your motherhood journey while, most importantly, bringing you closer to Christ. The truth of the living words in the pages of this book will breathe life into your fatigued “mom bod” as you continue to run the race of your motherhood ministry.