GOOD GRADES ROCK!! BUT A+ ≠ $UCCE$$: Why School Should Teach You Financial Literacy
Ingrid Clayton wrote Good Grades Rock But A+ ≠ $UCCE$$ because she knows that the debt situation that many families are experiencing today, and the debt crisis that many countries are facing, could have been avoided. But she thinks it is still not too late to remedy this problem and change the trajectory of the younger generation—and subsequent ones—if the appropriate measures are taken by governments and everyone else to effect this change, because there is a solution. The remedy is Financial Education!
Everyone will agree that we live in a rich country with enough resources and wealth so that no one should be living poor. Many people are living in poverty because of financial illiteracy, and governments should be blamed for this. The education system in every country should play a vital role in equipping young people with the necessary knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about their finances. When education policymakers refuse to make financial education mandatory in school, they sentence young people to a lifestyle that is laden with debt and disappointments, and for this reason, many families are hurting today.
Ingrid’s book is divided into three parts. First, it explains why academic success isn’t tantamount to financial success, why many high academic achievers struggle with managing their finances effectively, and what governments should do to financially educate the populous. Secondly, it shares personal finance basics, and information on how financial literacy impacts your mindset about money, your lifestyle, and that of your loved ones. Finally, Ingrid shares her personal stories about how she came to realize that she needed a higher financial IQ, the impact that a higher level of financial intelligence had on her success and achievements, and the role that everyone can play to improve their financial education to help their friends and family change the financial journey for the next generation.